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Ampeli Restaurant Tigaki Kos

The Ampeli (Vineyard) Restaurant will find in the beautiful Tigaki of Kos.

It is located literally in the Vineyard with grapes where the visitor has the opportunity to dine in the most beautiful and lush environment in specially designed area of the restaurant we are certain that the first time feel so close to nature.

The juicy grapes hanging everywhere and the leaves from the vines provide shade and coolness only to make the meal.

Your comfortable, pleasant and enjoyable.

Restaurant Kos, Restaurant Tigaki, traditional restaurant Kos





All reviews are real and you can see more in our tripadvisor entry here.


Ampeli Restaurant

Tigaki, Kos, Greece

+30 22420 69682

+30 6945 757161

About us

The Ampeli (Vineyard) Restaurant will find in the beautiful Tigaki of Kos.

It is located literally in the Vineyard with grapes where the visitor has the opportunity to dine in the most beautiful and lush environment in specially designed area of the restaurant we are certain that the first time feel so close to nature.

Restaurant Kos, Restaurant Tigaki, greek cuisine Kos.